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ALCAS Symposium 2017
in conjunction with IELab Conference 2017

2017 Life Cycle Assessment Symposium

26 - 28 November 2017

The University of Queensland, Moreton Bay Research Station, 37 Fraser St, Dunwich (off Brisbane)


You are cordially invited to participate in the 2017 joint ALCAS Symposium and IELab Conference!


ALCAS is Australia's peak professional organisation, bringing together people involved in the use and development of LCA, management and thinking, while The IELab is a collaborative virtual laboratory for undertaking input-output modelling (including input-output LCA) and is a powerful tool and data source for sustainability sciences. 


The aim of the LCA symposium is to highlight advancements in LCA theory and practice in Australia, by offering individuals the opportunity to present papers in a range of areas:


  • LCA of agriculture and food

  • LCA of forest products

  • LCA in building and construction

  • LCA of energy systems and transport

  • LCA in waste management

  • Life cycle impact assessment

  • Hybrid unit process/input-output LCA



Abstracts can be submitted using the following format:


  • Abstract title

  • Type of contribution i.e. Training, Presentation, Poster or Discussion

  • First name and SURNAME (surname in capital letters), followed by Affiliation

  • Abstract text (300 words maximum)

Students are encouraged to submit abstracts, as the best student paper will be awarded a $500 prize.


Abstracts can be submitted here by no later than 30 September 2017.



Registration includes: the bus to point lookout on Monday 27th, as well as breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon tea on all days. Accommodation is shared and includes towels.

Full registration: $350 (includes 2-day conference registration, 3 nights accommodation @ $35 per night, plus 3 dinners.)

Part registrations:

$90 (conference registration for Monday Nov 27) 

$65 (conference registration for Tuesday Nov 28)

$35 (accommodation per night)

$20 (dinner per night on Sunday Nov 26 and Tuesday Nov 28)

$50 (dinner on Monday Nov 27)


Register here

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