Event Series

The 11th Australian Conference on Life Cycle Assessment
Responding to the climate emergency: metrics and tools for rational action
19 - 20 July 2023 | Twin Towns, Coolangatta QLD
Join the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) for the 11th LCA Conference on the Gold Coast, Australia. The Conference will bring together climate and energy practitioners, green building designers, product manufacturers and suppliers, industry users of LCAs and EPDs, government, researchers and LCA professionals to network, learn and debate.
The unprecedented impacts of climate change and environmental degradation are evident globally. Today, action plans to minimise climate and environmental emergencies are being developed across all sectors of society and considered more deeply than ever before.
Countries, regions, and corporations are pledging to move to net zero emissions or beyond, reduce pollution and manage stretched water supplies, in alignment with global climate change and environmental summits. Rationalising these intents into actions is an essential component of these responses, especially in relation to the climate emergency. Tools and knowledge to support rational efforts are crucial for this journey.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the tool that provides the knowledge to formulate rational action. It provides a holistic and scientifically validated impact assessment approach that is applicable to all segments of society and the economy, both product and service spheres. Furthermore, LCA has matured to be equipped with customised methods and databases, and is the basis for eco-labelling and internationally-recognised performance metrics to interpret the effectiveness of climate emergency actions.
Download the Book of Proceedings.
Here you will find PDF copies of the presentations from the conference. This page is a work in progress. Presentations uploaded only with the authors' consent.
Day 1: Keynotes and Plenaries:
Cara McNicol, Environmental Initiatives in Queensland.
Dr. Jessica Hanafi, Driving sustainability in Asia: Regulatory measures, global market influence, and the role of LCA.
Emily Townsend, LCANZ President's Address.
Tim Grant & Rob Rouwette, Official Launch of the LCCCP Program.
Day 1: Bio-Based Production:
Pasindu Samarakkody, Recycling wooden pallets: A case study of biochar production.
Anna Boyden, Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass Co-firing in a Coal-fired Power Plant.
Dr. Nawshad Haque, Exploring pathways to decarbonise the electricity supply in Bangladesh.
Dr. Marguerite Renouf, Testing the greenhouse gas abatement of bio-based production from agricultural residues.
Roanna Jones, Ranking the environmental benefits and impacts of different biorefining options for food waste – a case study of citrus waste.
Day 1: Greenhouse Gases:
Dr. Annette Cowie, Metrics for Net Zero.
Dr. Masaharu Motoshita, Opportunities and challenges of assessing contribution to the reduction of GHG emissions through life cycle (contact details only).
Elena Huber, How to consider carbon neutrality in LCA? Challenges of offsetting accounting and possible solutions.
Day 1: Circular Economy:
Dr. Mana Sitthiracha, Sustainability at ResMed - The Role of LCA.
Dr. Chalaka Fernando, Cement Coprocessing - a Solution for Circular Economy Commitments of Corporates and supporting Nationally Determined Commitments: A Sri Lankan case study.
Dr. Mayuri Wijayasundara, Implications of transitioning from product selling to a product service system.
Yoshinari Fukuzawa, Using Life Cycle and Systems Thinking Methods to Support Decarbonisation Policy Design in Australia: A Review.
Tim Grant, Measuring Circularity in the Water Industry.
Day 1: Energy and Transport:
Emily Suyanto, A Simplified Sustainable Circular Economy Evaluation for End-of-Life Photovoltaic (Best Student Presentation).
Dr. Tara Hosseini, Life Cycle Assessment of Various Hydrogen Production Technologies.
Dr. Chanjief Chandrakumar, The Role of Renewable Diesel in Decarbonising Public Transport.
Day 1: EPDs:
Andrew Moore, Confessions of an EPD Verifier: How LCA Consultants Can Speed up the Verification Process of EPDs.
Rob Rouwette, Should Capital Goods be included in Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)?
Emma Green, Environmental Product Declaration of Insulated Concrete Form System.
Dr. Zhong Xiang Cheah, Robust LCA-based tools and data for meeting compliance obligations and guiding international trade policy (Most Popular Presentation).
Day 1: LCIA:
Tim Grant, Ecosystems Services in Australian Agriculture.
Dr. Masaharu Motoshita, Proposed method from GLAM3 for assessing the impact of natural resource use at endpoint level (contact details only).
Dr. Murray Hall, Biodiversity indicators and agriculture – application and development of methods.
Day 2: Food:
Prof. Jolieke van der Pols, Nutritional LCA methods - a review of opportunities in a rapidly developing field.
Shreyasi Majumdar, Life cycle-based environmental impacts of foods using the nutritional LCA method: a case study of New Zealand avocados and Cheddar Cheese.
Paul-Antoine Bontinck, Adapting the Agribalyse Life Cycle Inventory database to Australia – a first step towards a comprehensive Australian food and agriculture model.
Dr. Nazmul Islam, Water, energy, and greenhouse gas footprint of city food system in Australia.
Day 2: Agriculture:
Jocelyn Hordern-Smith, Challenges for reducing and reporting GHG emissions in the Australian grain supply chain and the role of the Cool Soil Initiative.
Dr. Marguerite Renouf, Customised LCA tool for viticulture (VitLCA) for identifying environmental improvement opportunities.
Day 2: Buildings:
Lucy Marsland, Guiding early design using whole of life estimates: a building case study.
Dr. Leela Kempton, Life cycle assessment considerations of prefabricated construction.
Dr. Maxine Chan, Whole-life Baseline Carbon Assessment of Residential Building Stock - A Victorian Case Study.
Shannon Preddy, Life Cycle Thinking Frameworks Applied to Engineered Wood Products – Identifying A Need for Social Life Cycle Assessment.
Day 2: Building Materials:
Thang Tran, Life Cycle Assessment of Prefabrication Construction: A Review.
Day 2: Data and Databases:
Tim Grant, Development of Embodied Emissions Database based on AusLCI.
Day 2: Mining:
Tony Knight, Circular Economy and Responsible Supply of Minerals.
Dr. Stephen Northey, Prospective, spatially-explicit LCA of global copper mining considering uncertainties in regional supply.
Dr. Ryosuke Yokoi, Future greenhouse gas emissions from metal production with implication for climate goals.